Learn Cantonese through Films

香港嘅第一部電影《偷燒鴨》喺1909拍攝,但係要等到1970年代初,先至由李小龍嘅功夫片將港電影帶上世界舞台。喺呢個網頁,我哋由1970年代開始, 每十年揀三部電影嚟代表嗰個時期 

The first film in Hong Kong, Stealing a Roast Duck, was made in 1909, but it wasn’t until the early 1970s that Bruce Lee’s kung fu movies elevated Hong Kong Cantonese movies onto the world stage. Here, we showcase three movies from each decade, starting with the 1970s.  

The handouts for the majority of the listed movies, along with additional ones, will be available for purchase at a nominal fee. CantoLTA members will have the privilege of receiving up to 3 complimentary handouts and can purchase extra ones with an exclusive 20% discount.

Here’s a sample handout for the crime-thriller Project Gutenberg.


功夫片: 李小龍嘅《精武門》

Kung Fu: Bruce Lee’s Fist of Fury

喜劇 : 許氏兄弟嘅鬼馬雙星》

Comedy: The Hui Brother’s Games Gamblers Play

功夫+喜劇 : 成龍嘅《醉拳》

Kung Fu+Comedy: Jackie Chan’s Drunken Master


華人喺美國嘅生活寫照: 周潤發/鍾楚紅秋日童話》

A portrait of Chinese in the U.S.: Chow Yun-fat/Cherie Chung’s An Autumn’s Tale

電影新類型-新英雄流血: 狄龍/張國榮/周潤發嘅《英雄本色》

New genre-Heroic bloodshed: Ti Lung/Leslie Cheung/Chow Yun-fat’s A Better Tomorrow

懷舊愛情電影: 梅艷芳/張國榮《胭脂扣

A nostalgic love story: Anita Mui/Leslie Cheung’s




A drama film directed by Wong Kar-wai:

Days of Being Wild

《 時代雜誌 》揀嘅100 部最偉大嘅電影之一《重慶森林》  

One of the greatest 100 films chosen by Time: Chungking Express


Life in 1980s Hong Kong for Chinese migrants: Comrade, Almost a Love Story


導演王家衛嘅最佳好評電影: 花樣年華》

Director Wong Kar-wai’s best critically acclaimed movie:

In the Mood for Love

可以話係香港最好嘅犯罪驚悚片: 無間道》

Arguably the best crime thriller from HK:

Infernal Affairs

周星馳超級搞笑嘅喜劇: 少林足球》

Stephen Chow’s super funny comedy:

Shaolin Soccer



Famous HK director Ann Hui’s movie based on a true story:

A Simple Life


A movie based on an inspirational true story:

Little Big Master


A touching dramedy that touches upon racism in HK:

Still Human



Biopic tribute to Hong Kong’s first champion Paralympian, So Wa-wai: Zero to Hero