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功夫片 Kung Fu Movies

李小龍嘅《精武門》(1972 )雖然唔係佢最出名嘅功夫電影,不過係佢最有影響嘅。 陸續有成龍呀、李連杰呀、甄子丹呀、等等嘅明星,
Though not his best-known, Bruce Lee’s Fist of Fury (1972) is his most influential martial-art movie. Successive stars such as Jackie Chan, Jet Li, and Donnie Yen would play the protagonist in Fist of Fury in remakes and sequels. Part of what made the character so beloved by Chinese audiences is his overt expression of patriotism. However, we need to look at Bruce Lee’s movies collectively to understand that the hero he portrays is a defender of the oppressed who crosses ethnic and racial lines. Fist of Fury does offer subtle clues. His choice of the traditional Okinawan martial-art weapon the nunchaku against the Japanese samurai sword conjures up Okinawans’ resistance against Japanese control.
當我們討論功夫電影嘅時候 ,我哋一定要講關德興,佢經常被認為係將真功夫搬上大銀幕嘅人。 喺1971年,李小龍嘅第一部功夫電影《唐山大兄》上映嘅時候,關德興已經喺香港拍演咗70幾部嘅黃飛鴻電影,不過係李小龍將功夫電影提升到國際舞台。
黃飛鴻係廣東功夫大師,又係中醫。關德興飾演嘅角色老成持重,行俠仗義 ,深受觀眾喜愛。 1973年李小龍突然去世之後呢,成龍就出現,而佢1978年喺功夫劇《醉拳》裏邊扮演年輕愛惹事嘅黃飛鴻,一夜成名。
20世紀90年代,李連杰扮演成熟嘅黃飛鴻,喺佢嘅《黃飛鴻》電影系列裏邊,其中第二部最令人難忘。電影用細微嘅手法嚟代表1895年嘅中國,當時中國同日本簽署咗一項條約,將台灣割讓畀日本。喺一方面,呢部電影批評滿清政府嘅腐敗; 而另一方面,電影將無知同迷信嘅中國邪教徒,同支持孫中山先生同埋當代革命者嘅西方人進行對比。
– 2022年2月5號,加利福尼亞州
When we discuss kung fu films, we must talk about Kwan Tak-hing, who is often credited with taking real kung fu to the big screen. By the time Bruce Lee’s first kung fu film, “Big Brother Boss,” was released in 1971, Kwan Tak-hing had starred in over 70 Wong Fei-hung movies in Hong Kong. However, it was Bruce Lee who elevated kung fu films to the international stage.
Wong Fei-hung was a kung fu master in Guangdong and a Chinese medicine practitioner. The character played by Kwan Tak-hing was mature and prudent, righteous and chivalrous, and was loved by the audience. After Bruce Lee’s sudden death in 1973, Jackie Chan came along and played a young and mischievous Wong Fei-hung in the kung fu dramedy “Drunken Fist” in 1978, winning Jackie Chan overnight fame.
In the 1990s, Jet Li played a mature Wong Fei-hung in a series of five films, the second of which is the most memorable. It offers a nuanced, more subtle representation of China in 1895, when a treaty was signed between China and Japan to cede Taiwan to Japan. On one hand, the film criticizes the corruption of the Manchu Qing government; on the one hand, it contrasts the ignorant and superstitious Chinese cult followers with the Westerners who supported Dr. Sun Yat-sen and his contemporary revolutionaries.
In the past ten years or so, we have seen Donnie Yen’s “Ip Man” series. The first installment, released in 2008, bears striking similarities with Bruce Lee’s “Fist of Fury.” The protagonist’s awe-inspiring image of courage, vehement expression of patriotism, and dramatic one-on-many fight scenes, all helped to breathe new life to kung fu films. However, by the fourth installment in 2019, the theme has lacked imagination, and Donnie Yen’s Ip Man is a middle-aged man suffering from cancer, which implies that kung fu films will have a quiet period. We look forward to the next new Kung Fu superstar!
– February 5, 2022, California
英雄流血 "Heroic Bloodshed"